The economic team is still waiting for the compensatory measures for payroll tax relief, the Budget committee should present a proposal on spending cuts, and the rapporteur of the BC autonomy bill reads his report

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 18 Jun 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said that the economic team is waiting for compensatory proposals for payroll tax relief so that the Federal Revenue Service can run its calculations. The total cost of the tax exemption is R$ 26 billion. Yesterday, Lula had a meeting with the Budget Committee, which includes the Ministry of Finance, the Office of the Chief of Staff, the Ministry of Planning and Budget, and the Ministry of Management and Innovation. The government will likely address expenses through tax measures, revising tax benefits. In the Senate, the Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) is holding a public hearing on the Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC) concerning the financial autonomy of the Central Bank. Tomorrow, Senator Plínio Valério, the rapporteur of the PEC, is expected to read his report.

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