The first round of voting on the Precatórios PEC was approved in the House, Sen. Antonio Anastasia’s appointment to the TCU was approved, and the Senate may vote on the edits to the bill providing for tax exemptions when purchasing vehicles
Two edits submitted by the PT to the Precatórios PEC were rejected. Three more edits need to be analyzed – one from the PT and PSOL, one from the Novo and another from the DEM. The goal is to conclude the first and second rounds of voting today. The parts of the text that are changed will return to the Senate. The rest may be enacted. Senator Antonio Anastasia's appointment to the Federal Audit Court (TCU) was approved with 52 votes. Anastasia is from the same party as Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco and had his support. The edits to the bill on tax exemptions on vehicles aim to remove the provision that revokes the PIS-Cofins tax exemption when purchasing chemicals and pharmaceutical products. This provision was already rejected when the Tax Reform proposal was analyzed.
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