The framework for the income tax exemption is ready according to Haddad, the TCU approved an urgent audit into the management of Previ, and the STF is scheduled to rule on a case against three PL party members
According to Finance Minister Fernando Haddad, the compensation framework for the bill that exempts individuals earning up to R$5,000 from income tax is ready. The bill is expected to be submitted in March, after the Ministerial Reform. Yesterday, the Federal Audit Court (TCU) approved an urgent audit into the management of the Pension Fund for Banco do Brasil Employees (Previ). Minister Walton Alencar Rodrigues, who requested the audit, cited "serious concerns." Estimated losses amount to R$14 billion. The First Panel of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) is scheduled to rule on February 25 on the complaint filed by the Office of the Prosecutor General (PGR) against three PL party congressmen: Josimar Maranhãozinho (MA), Pastor Gil (MA), and Bosco Costa (SE). They are accused of corruption.
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