The fuel issue remains the main matter on the agenda, the STF will judge the PDT’s case on the Clean Record Law, and a new presidential poll will be published today
Between the two bills on the fuel issue, PLP 11 has more support in the Senate than PL 1472. The governors, as well as the rapporteur, Senator Jean Paul Prates, support the bill that deals with the price stabilization fund — PL 1472. President Bolsonaro will meet with Ciro Nogueira, Paulo Guedes, Bento Albuquerque, and Roberto Campos Neto, today at 11 a.m regarding the fuel issue. Regarding the Clean Record Law, the PDT wants the STF to decide that the period of ineligibility cannot exceed the period of eight years, starting on the date of the res judicata, the final judgment. Currently, the period of ineligibility applies for eight years after the serving of the sentence. The results of the Paraná Research Institute’s poll may capture some of the effects of the PDT’s advertisements, which gave ample space to its pre-candidate, Ciro Gomes.
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