The Government declared the State of Emergency, again
- In Brief
21 Jul 2020
by Pavel Isa
The deterioration of the sanitary situation due to COVID-19 in July forced the Government to request Congress authorization to declare, once again, a State of Emergency. Last Sunday, the Congress passed the authorization and on Monday the President signed the decree. The declaration will be in force from July 20th through September 2nd. Since election day on July 5th through July 19th, the number of positive COVID-19 cases increased by 181%, from 19,195 to 53,956, and the number of deaths is approaching the 1,000 mark. Also, the government set a curfew for the next 20 days. In the hardest hit provinces, the curfew will be in place from 7pm through 5am in weekdays and from 8pm through 5am in the rest of the country. During weekends, the curfew will be in place from 5pm on. The use of face masks became mandatory in public places and the violation of this measure is subject to penalty. No measures have been announced regarding restrictions to tourism or arrival of passengers by air, nor have additional measures been introduced that restrict economic activity. Under the current circumstances, we think that such kind of measures are not likely to be introduced. Although the private sector and society in general support the declaration of the State of Emergency and strengthening the enforcement of sanitary practices and protocols, they oppose additional economic constraints. Meanwhile, the President elect, Luis Abinader, announced today his cabinet’s health minister and designated the Vice President elect, Raquel Peña, as the coordinator of the health cabinet. The reversion of the sanitary crisis as well as the economic crisis are considered the urgent challenges to be faced...
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