The Great Infrastructure Debate

PHILIPPINES - Report 14 Jul 2017 by Romeo Bernardo and Christine Tang

Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping famously said, “It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice.”It is tempting to apply this to the raging debate about whether infrastructure projects should be pursued through public-private partnerships (PPP) or official development assistance (ODA), i.e., either scheme is good as long as the projects, by themselves socially desirable and economically feasible, are built​.

Although the question of how best to carry out infrastructure projects does matter, we think the PPP vs. ODA debate a second-order issue at this juncture.At its core, the heated discussion reflects the problem of a thin project pipeline, unhappiness with government’s sudden policy shift away from PPP, worries about Chinese ODA, and a general lack of confidence in government’s execution ability.

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