The House approved the bill on the demarcation of indigenous lands, the House also approved the re-creation of the Bolsa Família program, and the STF may adjudicate a case on the approval of a new railway

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 31 May 2023 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Despite the government's efforts, the House approved PL 490/07 yesterday, which establishes the year 1988 as the time frame for the demarcation of indigenous lands. In the Senate, the analysis of the bill is unlikely to be so quick. This issue will be on the Supreme Federal Court (STF) agenda next week, June 7. Yesterday, the House also approved the provisional measure (MP) that re-creates the Bolsa Família program. The MP now goes to the Senate and must be put to a vote by June 29. Today, there is another topic of interest to agribusiness. The Supreme Federal Court (STF) may approve the release of the Ferrogrão, a new railway between Sinop (MT) and Miritituba (PA).

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