The House approved the bill preventing the ICMS from being levied on additional electricity fees, the rapporteur of the ICMS ceiling on essential services changed compensation mechanisms in the text, and Pres. Bolsonaro should meet with Pres. Biden today

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 09 Jun 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The ICMS proposal will be sent to the Senate. Estimates show that the measure could result in R$ 2.88 billion in annual savings for consumers if generation conditions in the coming years are similar to those observed since 2015. The rapporteur of the ICMS ceiling bill, Senator Fernando Bezerra, maintained the immediate effectiveness of the measure in his report. The text will be read today in the Senate. Also today, President Jair Bolsonaro is due to meet with President Joe Biden in the United States as Bolsonaro participates in the Summit of the Americas.

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