The House attempts to vote on the Tax Reform regulation on consumption, Pacheco presented the bill on state debt, and the Senate votes on the payroll tax relief bill

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 10 Jul 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The House will attempt to vote today on the bill that regulates the Tax Reform on consumption, PLP 68/24. Yesterday, its urgent status was approved. To approve the merits of the bill, 257 votes are required. Yesterday, Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG) presented the bill that will address the new rules for handling the states' debts with the Federal Government. The text does not meet all the states' demands nor does it have the full approval of the Federal Government. The Senate aims to vote today on the bill that addresses payroll tax reduction for companies and municipalities. The bill's rapporteur, Senator Jaques Wagner (PT-BA), is negotiating with the government and Senate leadership on the text to be presented.

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