The House concluded the vote on the Court-ordered payments PEC, the STF trial on the rapporteur’s amendments may end today, and Sergio Moro joins the Podemos

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 10 Nov 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Only one edit to the Court-ordered payments PEC was approved, removing the possibility of changing the “golden rule” through the Budget Law. The proposal will now go to the Senate for further analysis. Rodrigo Pacheco has said that he may take the proposal directly to the plenary. In the STF, a majority was formed against the rapporteur’s amendments. It is important to note that there may still be a request to review the case or a request to take the case to the physical plenary. By joining Podemos, Moro has definitively entered the electoral race — even if he chooses to run for a position other than president.

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