The House may vote on the bill that deals with offshore taxation this week, the Senate Environment Committee may vote on the new carbon credit market, and the Senate will vote on the Desenrola bill today

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 02 Oct 2023 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

This week, the House is expected to vote on the bill (PL) that deals with the taxation of financial investments abroad made through companies and funds known as “offshores” (PL nº 4,173/23). The offshore PL has an urgent status and will begin to block the House agenda starting on October 14. The Senate Environment Committee may vote on the bill that regulates the carbon credit market. If the text is approved in the Committee, it will go straight to the House. Today, the Senate will vote on the bill that creates the Desenrola Brasil Emergency Program to refinance personal debt (PL nº 2.685/22).

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