The House Working Group on Tax Reform may present its report on July 3, the rapporteur of the payroll tax relief bill should present his report this week, and the CCJ will discuss the PEC on the Central Bank’s autonomy

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 01 Jul 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The report from the House Working Group on Tax Reform regulation is expected to be presented on Wednesday, July 3. The House President, Deputy Arthur Lira (PP-AL), is attempting to secure the approval of the text in the plenary next week. Senator Jaques Wagner (PT-MG), the rapporteur of the bill on payroll tax cuts, is expected to present his report this week. Once approved by the Senate, the payroll tax cut bill will go to the House. On Wednesday, July 3, the Senate Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) will discuss a Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC) addressing the financial autonomy of the Central Bank. Senator Plínio Valério is expected to present the report.

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