The IMF starts second review on Ukraine
- In Brief
23 Feb 2022
by Dmytro Boyarchuk
The IMF starts an online mission for the second review of the current program, according to the Ukraine’s representative at the IMF. One of the most trouble-making point is the still delayed appointment of the head the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO). Recall, the competition was completed and the winner was selected (a detective of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau); however, the authorities sabotage the appointment of the winner since the person is totally independent from the President Office. The authorities committed to appoint new SAPO head by end-November 2021 but the process stays still even by the end-January 2022. Overall attention on potential Russian invasion simplifies ignoring the requirement. Most likely the mission will be formal, and the IMF will close its eyes to all the non-deliveries amid dominating Russian risks. However, we still hope the Fund will push the authorities to complete the appointment of SAPO head given unprecedented support from the US on preventing potential invasion.
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