The Ministry of Finance confirmed compliance with the spending limit of the fiscal framework, the government continues to discuss budget issues, and the Tax Reform regulation bill will be sent to the Senate

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 23 Jul 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The Ministries of Finance and Planning confirmed yesterday the containment of R$ 15 billion in discretionary expenses in this year's budget to comply with the spending limit of the new fiscal framework. However, Congress is starting to signal that the government needs to change its agenda. Yesterday, for example, Folha published an article indicating that members of the House leadership believe the House needs to start debating a new Social Security reform in 2025. Last Friday, July 19, the House finalized the drafting of the regulation for the Tax Reform. The bill will now go to the Senate. It appears that Rodrigo Pacheco will read the text and send it to the Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) in the first week of August.

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