The OECD invites Brazil to join the organization, public servants continue to press for salary raises, and Alckmin is close to a deal to run as Lula’s Vice President

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 26 Jan 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has officially invited six countries, including Brazil, to begin the process of joining the organization. The Brazilian government has committed to zeroing the IOF rate by 2029. The Secretary of International Economic Affairs at the Ministry of the Economy, Erivaldo Gomes, explained that the measure does not prevent the government from creating another type of foreign exchange or financial tax, if necessary. The president of the Supreme Federal Court, Minister Luiz Fux, scheduled a meeting with representatives of the Judiciary’s public servants for February 15. One of their demands is that, if there is a raise, it be given to all public servants – and not just a single group. Former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso made a gesture towards Governor João Doria on social media. Geraldo Alckmin left the PSDB and is near to closing a deal to be Lula's Vice President.

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