The PL officially launched Jair Bolsonaro’s candidacy yesterday, a part of the MDB supports Lula, and the government is expected to publish a decree to reduce the IPI

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 25 Jul 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The slogan chosen for the PL convention was “For the good of Brazil”. In addition to his anti-establishment narratives, Bolsonaro's speech included attacks on Lula and the defense of the economic measures adopted by the federal government. He also called on his supporters to “take to the streets for the last time” on September 7. MDB leaders in 11 states have decided to support Lula in the first round of the election. However, 19 of the 27 party directories declared support for Senator Tebet. Therefore, the rules of the virtual convention may go to court. The government’s goal is to replace the previous cut in the Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI), which was questioned in the Supreme Federal Court (STF). The reduction will be 35% and will affect 4,000 products that are not manufactured in the Manaus Free Trade Zone.

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