The Precatórios PEC continues to be negotiated in the Senate, the rapporteur of the income tax bill should submit a separate bill on the issue next week, and the CCJ of the House approved the payroll tax exemption bill
- Report
18 Nov 2021
by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha
According to the rapporteur, Fernando Bezerra, there is pressure in the Senate to make the R$ 400 Auxílio Brasil payments permanent in the Precatórios PEC. The goal is to enact at least part of the proposal, even if the other part returns to the House for further analysis. Senator Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA), rapporteur of the income tax reform, said that he should submit a separate bill next week proposing the correction of the personal income tax brackets. The probability is for the payroll tax exemption bill to be sent to the Senate next week. President Rodrigo Pacheco said that he intends to take the matter straight to the plenary, without the need to go through committees.
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