The presidents of the House and Senate have not reached an agreement on the issue regarding the analysis of provisional measures, and the Central Bank maintained the interest rate

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 23 Mar 2023 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Pacheco insists on following the analysis process provided by the Constitution, which states a Joint Committee should be created. A joint committee to analyze provisional measures would have 13 federal deputies and 13 senators. Arthur Lira argues that this distribution is disproportionate since the House has 513 members and the Senate, only 81. In the current analysis process, Lira can choose the rapporteur, which gives him more power in the process. Yesterday, the Central Bank (BC) decided to keep the interest rate at 13.75%. This decision was criticized by members of the government, including the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad.

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