The rapporteur of the LDO met with Haddad to discuss the zero-deficit target, the government is optimistic about Tax Reform, and former STF Justice Barbosa criticized Lula on social media

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 25 Jun 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Yesterday, the rapporteur of the Budget Guidelines Law (LDO), Senator Confúcio Moura (MDB-RO), met with the ministers of Finance, Fernando Haddad, and Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha. The senator confirmed that he would maintain the zero-deficit target for 2025 and that he would present his report soon. The government also remains optimistic about Tax Reform. Padilha said he believes that the House will approve the vote on the two Tax Reform bills before the recess, namely the one on the IBS and CBS taxes (PLP 68/24) and the one on the Management Committee (PLP 108/24). Yesterday, retired Supreme Federal Court (STF) Justice Joaquim Barbosa criticized President Lula (PT) on social media. He said that the President is "absent on many issues, on the fence on others," called him an "à la carte conservative," and cited his inability to "lead the country" in various areas without specifying any of them.

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