​The saga of 10 Ambassadors: Turkey’s DIY[1] crisis

TURKEY - In Brief 27 Oct 2021 by Atilla Yesilada

Erdogan’s rage against 10 Ambassadors who jointly issued a statement urging Turkey to release philanthropist Mr. Osman Kavala has made it to world media headlines.However, the question of who bested whom at the end, and why the crisis was triggered requires explanation. Yours Truly once again detects a spot of mental confusion as the catalyst for the so-called crisis, while explaining international and domestic reverberations. The conclusion is short and simple: Erdogan is still using yesterday’s tactics to win tomorrow’s elections. Whether the ambassadors meddled in the domestic affairs of Turkey by the Kavala Statement is nota point investors care about. So is the question of whether Erdogan won the battle when led by US Embassy, the 10 sponsor nations reiterated their commitment to Article 41 of Vienna Convention. Reasonable people can disagree on who won what. What really counts is the undisputed fact thatErdogan is the sole reason why the likes of Kavala, former chairman of pro-Kurdish equality Mr. Selahaddin Demirtas and countless others suffer needless behind the bars. Also undisputed is the fact that the Western world shall pursue its demand to have these “political prisoners” released. If Erdogan refuses to oblige, there will be serious consequences, such as expulsion from the Council of Europe.More important is the implied threat.Bolstered with the case of FATF gray listing, Turkey is now widely considered a “country beyond the rule of law” which makes sanctions for other reasons more palatable.For instance, if Erdogan were to order another military camping into Kurdish-inhabited regions of Syria, such as Tel Rifaat, Manbij, or Ain Issa, Kurdish non-combatant...

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