The second round will tend to be close and other weekly topics

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 24 Sep 2018 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The electoral campaign enters its final phase: only two weeks are left before the first round (October 7). Two presidential debates are scheduled, on September 26 and 30. President Michel Temer takes part in the opening ceremony of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. On Friday, September 28, the National Oil Agency holds the 5th Round of the pre-salt auction, for an area with the potential to produce 17 billion barrels of oil.

This week’s Talking Points:
• Options for candidates and parties in the second round
• A runoff round is still the most likely scenario
• The second round will tend to be close, as in 2014
• The presidential race in strategic states
• The favorites in the elections for governor
• A moderate Haddad?

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