The Senate discusses the bill on essential services, the STF called a conciliation hearing for the agreement made by the Confaz regarding the ICMS tax, and the House may make progress on important bills

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 31 May 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Yesterday, the president of the Senate met with representatives of some states to discuss PLP 18, which classifies fuel, electricity, transportation and telecommunications as essential services. According to the rapporteur, the bill may be put to a vote in the next two weeks. However, there will likely be changes to the text. The Minister of the Supreme Federal Court, André Mendonça, called a conciliation hearing to discuss the effectiveness of two clauses of the agreement of the National Council for Finance Policy (Confaz) that end up circumventing the single-phase ICMS tax application on diesel, a rule approved in March by Congress. The House may make progress on an important bill: PL nº 3.677/21 may be analyzed, which determines the disclosure of the composition of oil derivative prices set by Petrobras.

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