The Special Committee of the House will vote on the PEC on Fuels, the PEC on the Nursing Salary Floor should be approved before the recess, and Paulo Guedes meets with Rosa Weber to discuss the ADI against PLP 194

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 07 Jul 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The trend is for the PEC on Fuels to be approved before the recess, although the vote may be delayed until next week. The opposition is trying to gain support from 103 deputies to submit a request to postpone the vote on the PEC for up to 20 days. But it is unlikely to get enough support. The PEC on the Nursing Salary Floor is unlikely to provide a source of funding for the payment of these salaries. The purpose of the PEC is to ensure legal certainty for Bill 2564/20, which provides for new nursing salary floors. The bill is awaiting presidential approval. Rosa Weber and Paulo Guedes will discuss the Complementary Law 194 that classified fuel, telecommunications, energy and transportation services as essential. The argument is that the measure imposes an excessive and disproportionate burden on states, compromising the essential services already provided.

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