The Special Committee on the court-ordered payments PEC was created in the House yesterday, the Administrative Reform Committee should meet today, and the Economic Affairs Committee of the Senate approved the BR do Mar bill

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 22 Sep 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The goal is for the Special Committee to vote on the court-ordered payments PEC in about 10 days. Rodrigo Pacheco has said that the government is looking into paying R$ 40 billion up front and the remaining R$ 50 billion via some other payment alternative. The rapporteur of the Administrative Reform proposal, Deputy Arthur Maia (DEM-BA), has not yet submitted a new text, since the most recent version from last week was criticized and poorly received. The Economic Affairs Committee (CAE) of the Senate will hold a public hearing on the income tax bill.

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