The STF resumed the trial of the tax case regarding companies headquartered abroad, truck drivers will meet tomorrow to discuss diesel price increases, and an interview with Motta published today

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 07 Feb 2025 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The Supreme Federal Court (STF) has resumed the trial of RE No. 870.214 in its virtual plenary session. The case discusses the possibility of levying the Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and Social Contribution on Net Profit (CSLL) on profits earned by a company based in Brazil through a controlled company headquartered abroad. Truck drivers have called a meeting for tomorrow, February 8, at the Port of Santos to discuss the diesel price adjustment and other issues. Today, O Globo features an interview with the President of the Lower House, Hugo Motta (Rep-PB). He argues that President Lula cannot be held hostage by ideology and “keep speaking exclusively to a bubble that causes him to make mistakes.”

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