The STF should adjudicate the case on the PIS/Cofins taxes, the STF should also adjudicate the case on the national nursing salary floor, and negotiations on the fiscal framework continue

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 12 Jun 2023 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Today, the Supreme Federal Court (STF) should complete the judgment on the levy of PIS and Cofins taxes on financial income. Justice Dias Toffoli disagreed with the rapporteur, Ricardo Lewandowski. On Friday, the STF will also adjudicate in the virtual plenary the case that deals with the nursing salary floor. The trial runs until June 23. In the Senate, the rapporteur of the new fiscal framework in the Senate, Omar Aziz (PSD-AM), continues to negotiate changes to the text. As we have informed previously, there are three main points of discussion about the bill in the Senate.

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