The Transition PEC may be put to a vote in the House this week, the STF will resume the trial on the cases that question the constitutionality of the rapporteur’s amendments today, and Lula announced new members of his future government

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 14 Dec 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The president of the House, Arthur Lira, and the rapporteur of the Transition Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC), Elmar Nascimento (União Brasil-BA), have signaled that the proposal may be put to a vote this Wednesday or Thursday. The biggest concern is about changes in the text. If the House reduces the term from two years to one, we believe it will not need to return to the Senate for further analysis. The House is willing to hold the vote on the PEC to wait for the Supreme Federal Court's (STF) decision on the rapporteur's amendments. The trial will resume at the Court at 2 p.m. today. The majority of Congress expects the STF not to declare the rapporteur's amendments unconstitutional. Yesterday, President Lula confirmed Aloizio Mercadante's appointment to the presidency of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES). Also yesterday, Lula announced the Bahian singer Margareth Menezes as the next Minister of Culture.

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