The truck drivers' strike today should be small, the Court-ordered payments PEC should be put to a vote on Wednesday, and the 5G auction should be held on the same day

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 01 Nov 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The truck drivers’ strike is expected to be small today. Isolated strikes are expected to take place, and efforts will be made to demobilize the demonstrations. Regarding the Court-ordered payments PEC, the government still doesn't have enough votes (308) to approve the text but there is room for agreement. The risk of not getting approval is rather high (45%). In relation to the 5G auction, fifteen proposals were filed by large and medium-sized operators, as well as regional providers organized in consortia and investment funds that invest in telecommunications. If all available lots are sold, the auction can raise R$ 49.7 billion, according to Anatel.

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