The view from Harvard

CHINA ADVISORY - Report 12 Jun 2024 by Andrew Collier

I was invited to participate in a conference last week sponsored by Harvard Law School that has been occurring annually since 2004. That year, both the Chinese Minister of Finance and the Central Bank Governor spoke, along with the Emissary of the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury to the People's Republic of China. While the recent disengagement has lowered the level of participants at the conference, it still included senior current and retired policymakers. Called “The Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: An Agenda for China and the United States", the attendees included senior officials and regulators, along with financial executives, from both China and the U.S. Due to Chatham House rules I cannot reveal the identity of those making specific comments. However, below is a summary of some points that emerged from the presentations, as well as from the more intimate break-out sessions. As people involved in finance and economics, the majority of participants were in the “engagement camp". However, there were also some more nationalist and isolationist statements from government officials on both sides.

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