The vote on the Precatórios PEC was concluded in the Senate, the Auxílio Brasil MP was approved, and the STF discusses the constitutionality of the transfer of public service concessions
Lower House President Arthur Lira supports the partial enactment of the Precatórios PEC. There will have to be a close study on what can or cannot be enacted. The partial enactment of the PEC may cause negative reactions from some senators, who would like the House to analyze the entire text approved by them. The provisional measure (MP) for the Auxílio Brasil program was approved and has gone for presidential sanction. On December 9, the STF resumes the trial on ADI 2946, which questions the constitutionality of the transfer of public service concessions and permissions without prior bidding. The case is being reviewed by Minister Gilmar. Minister Toffoli has voted for the unconstitutionality of the transfers.
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