There will be several demonstrations for democracy today, Bolsonaro, Lula and Ciro submitted their government plans to the TSE, and the STF ministers unanimously approved their salary raise

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 11 Aug 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The demonstrations will take place in at least 20 Brazilian cities in the law schools of several public and private universities. There will also be a demonstration in Brasilia. President Jair Bolsonaro's program provides for the maintenance of the Auxílio Brasil program with payments of R$ 600 for the next year, an income tax exemption for those who earn up to R$ 2,500, and tripling investments in culture. The guidelines of the Lula and Alckmin ticket mention revoking the spending ceiling and reviewing the current Brazilian fiscal regime, which, according to the document, is currently dysfunctional and lacks credibility. Ciro Gomes's government program talks about the National Development Project. As expected, the STF ministers decided to increase their salaries, and the overall cost could reach R$ 4.6 billion, to be paid in installments through 2024.

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