Turkmen President nominates his son to succeed him
- In Brief
15 Feb 2022
by Alex Teddy
On February 14 as we predicted, President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov appointed his son Serdar as candidate to take over the presidency. 40-year-old Serdar is the candidate of the Democratic Party. Voters will go to the polls on March 12 in an early election.It is certain that Serdar will be elected. Elections are a charade in Turkmenistan. The media is extremely tightly controlled. The two so-called "opposition parties" are in fact pro-regime. Serdar already holds several senior offices, such as deputy prime minister. When he becomes president he shall inherit a difficult situation. There are rising food prices. The government is worried lest there be an outbreak of large-scale disorder such as was seen in Kazahstan in January 2022. High oil and gas prices have benefited the economy but the wealth has gone to a tiny coterie.
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