Turkmenistan elects new president

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 13 Mar 2022 by Alex Teddy

On March 13 Turkmenistan is holding an election. Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov is retiring as president. His son Serdar, 40, is the red hot favorite. Turkmenistan is the most oppressive country in the world after North Korea. The cult of the personality around the president is ludicrous. All elections in Turkmenistan have been widely denounced as charades. Therefore Serdar's being elected is a foregone conclusion.Serdar has held various government posts over the past few years. He was educated at universities in Moscow and Switzerland. He speaks English, Russian and Turkmen. He served some time as a provincial governor. Like his father he showed the same complete indifference to public welfare and refused to even meet members of the public.Do not expect major changes when Serdar is inaugurated. On the President of Turkmenistan's Instagram feed it said that after the election the country shall continue its policy of strict neutrality in international affairs. The Turkmen Ambassador to the UN went out of the room when the UN voted on the Ukraine Conflict. Turkmenistan is suffering prolonged economic difficulties due to COVID. But rising oil and gas prices represent an opportunity for the country.

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