Two new polls on the presidential election to be published today, the STF should review the ADPF on the Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation in the Amazon, and there are rumors that Persio Arida will lead Lula’s economic team if elected
- Report
30 Mar 2022
by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha
The new polls — one from Banco Modal and another from PoderData — are not expected to bring much new information. The polarization between Lula and Bolsonaro remains consolidated, and it is also unlikely that either of the polls will be able to consistently measure the impact of the episode involving the Ministry of Education. The trial on the ADPF case in the STF will likely be a lengthy trial and may not be concluded today. Persio Arida was the economic coordinator of Geraldo Alckmin's campaign for the presidency of the Republic in 2018. Therefore, the relationship is absolutely natural. Lula has not yet selected who would be his Minister of the Economy if he is elected.
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