Ukraine claims to have regained land

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 12 May 2023 by Alex Teddy

On May 12 Ukraine said it had taken back land. Pro-war Russian bloggers also said that the Ukrainians have grained ground in Bakhmut. The head of Wagner Group said that the Ukrainians have been gaining in Bakhmut since May 9. This would be particularly galling for Russia as it has put so much into trying to capture the city since August 2022.  Moscow said that Ukraine has not made any significant gains, implying that the Ukrainians have made insignificant gains. On May 12 Russia said it had beaten back attacks in East Donetsk. CNN reported that Ukraine has begun minor attacks ahead of the main counter-offensive. On May 17 Zelensky said that Ukraine is not ready for its counter-offensive yet. But this might be disinformation if it has already started. On May 11 the UK announced that it was donating Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine. These have a range of 250 km and are fired from planes. This range is far beyond anything Ukraine has yet. 

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