Ukraine signs defense pacts

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 29 Jun 2024 by Alex Teddy

On June 27 President Zelensky was in Brussels where he signed defense pacts with the EU, Lithuania and Estonia. The agreements deal with 9 areas of security and defense policy.  The EU's statement affirmed its unflagging support for Ukraine for as long as it takes. This is presumably designed to deter Russia. Russia's strategy seems to be based on waiting until the EU tires of funding Ukraine. The hardline right-wing parties that won the European elections are inclined to cut aid to Ukraine, so there is evidence that Russia's strategy may succeed. The EU has given Ukraine USD 107 billion in aid, and of that, USD 39 billion has been military support. The European Union noted the reforms that Ukraine had made such as in tackling corruption. The EU stated that it will provide Ukraine with weapons and military training, and its defense industry will collaborate with Ukraine's. The new EU external affairs commissioner is almost certainly going to be Kaja Kallas. She is the Prime Minister of Estonia and is a fervent supporter of the Ukrainian cause.  Poland said there is a 99% chance that it will sign a defense agreement with Ukraine in July 2024. This is all very welcome news for Ukraine. There is a very serious chance that Trump will become president again in 2025 which means that the US will very likely reduce aid to Ukraine. Trump repeatedly stated he will end the Ukraine War in 24 hours. It is speculated that this includes demanding that Ukraine negotiate.

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