Ukrainian President claims there is a coup plot against him
- In Brief
28 Nov 2021
by Alex Teddy
On November 26 Zelensky made the extraordinary claim. This is as there is a significant Russian build up of forces close to the Ukrainian Frontier. However, Zelensky said that the Ukrainian Military is able to meet any threat. It is true that the military has been upgraded by almost a generation since the East Ukraine Conflict erupted in 2014. Ukraine has received many shipments of NATO hardware.Zelensky did not reveal many particulars of the supposed conspiracy. He said that Russians planned to execute the coup on December 1 but did not accuse the Russian Government of involvement.Moscow said that Kyiv's accusation are ludicrous. Its riposte is that NATO is being provocative due to its naval exercises in the Black Sea and air force flights close to Russian airspace.Zelensky's approval ratings have been consistently falling due to coronavirus, the poorest economy in Europe and a failure to root out corruption despite endless promises to do so. Could it be that Zelensky is seeking a fillip to his popularity by banging the war drum?The NATO Secretary-General said that NATO stands by Ukraine and if Russia invades Ukraine then there will serious repercussions for Russia.When Zelensky took office in 2009 Russia thought he might be worthwhile interlocutor. He comes from East Ukraine and Russia is his mother tongue. As he is Jewish it was thought that he might be less attracted to Ukrainian nationalism which is occasionally anti-Semitic. He sometimes spoke Russian in public and as a comedian was almost as appreciated in Russia as in his native country. However, Moscow has now totally given up on him as someone who will make a lasting peace. Zelensky has met Putin a few times ...
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