Unrest in Ukraine
- In Brief
18 Aug 2021
by Alex Teddy
On August 16 the mayor of a Ukrainian city was shot dead. The mayor was a member of Opposition Platform for Life which is pro-Moscow. He was Mayor of Kryviy Rih which is where President Zelensky was born. The president said he is supervising the murder investigation.On August 14 there were angry protests by the National Corps outside the president's office. The National Corps is an ultra nationalist organization. It exhorts the Ukrainian Government to escalate the conflict against Russia. Eight police officers were injured in the clashes. On August 16 in the Crimea Region a Russian court sentenced 4 Tatars to years in prison for membership in a prohibited organization. Crimea is under Russian control while Ukraine claims that Crimea is its territory. Tatars are an indigenous Muslim ethnic minority in Crimea. Five more Tatars were arrested in August under suspicion of extremist activities. Ukraine says this is racist persecution.
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