US attempts to reaffirm support for Ukraine
- In Brief
01 Sep 2021
by Alex Teddy
On August 31 Washington DC announced up to USD 60 million in military assistance for Ukraine. The United States claimed that Russian military activity in Eastern Ukraine has intensified in recent days and cited mortar attacks as evidence thereof.Javelin anti-tank missiles are among the hardware supplied by the US to Ukraine. In March 2021 there was a USD 125 million military aid package approved. On the heels of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan people are asking if the US will abandon its allies such as Ukraine. Moscow's jubilance about the US pull-out extends to taunting Ukraine that it will be left in the lurch by the Americans. When the US withdrew from Vietnam 48 years ago there was similar speculation that the Americans would betray their allies elsewhere.On August 30 President Zelensky arrived in the United States. He met Biden in Washington. The timing is significant. Biden underscored that the United States shall never jettison Ukraine. Biden also exhorted Ukraine to stop peculation. The US is tired of seeing funds disbursed to Ukraine being filched by corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and the military. Zelensky again requested that Biden strive to prevent Nord Stream 2 from being completed, but it is probably far too late for that. Biden has taken little action on this. Germany, in particular, is determined to press ahead with the project.Nord Stream 2 will make the EU even more dependent on Russian gas. If the EU annoys Russia, then the Russians can cut off the gas. That would hurt the Russian economy. Russia cannot afford to cut off gas forever but it could cut it off for a few days to make a point.On August 31 Energoatom (the Ukrainian state nuclear power ...
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