US, EU and UK sanction Russia

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 24 Feb 2024 by Alex Teddy

On February 23 Biden said the package is because of the death of Navalny and the war in Ukraine. Biden again urged the US Congress to pass the USD 60 billion aid package for Ukraine. He noted that the Republican Congressmen who are blocking the aid package are indirectly assisting Russia. Biden said the sanctions are against institutions and individuals who are financing and arming the Russian war effort. It also strikes those who enable sanctions evasion. Biden claimed that the sanctions would make Russia pay a very heavy price but he did not claim it would end the war. 100 of the entities on the sanctions list allegedly allow Russia to get around sanctions. The sanctions are intended to reduce Russia's earnings that allow Russia to afford the war. Biden says he wants to enhance civil society and the free media in the world so that Russia can become a democracy. On February 22 he met Navalny's wife and daughter in the White House. On February 21 the EU voted for its 13th round of sanctions on Russia since the war began. Almost 200 individuals and entities were sanctioned in this round. The principle of these sanctions has been agreed but there are still some details that have not been finalized. They are due to be signed off on February 24, the second anniversary of the war. The President of the European Commission said the sanctions are to enfeeble the Russian war effort. Over 2,000 entities and individuals have been sanctioned by the EU in relation to the Ukraine War. The latest round of sanctions does not target the Russian economy, which previous rounds did. The EU said it was acting against entities that facilitate sanctions evasion. This is a tacit admission tha...

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