US shuts Embassy in Ukraine over war fears
- In Brief
15 Feb 2022
by Alex Teddy
On February 14 the US made the extraordinary move. Apart from in Kabul in 2021 the US has not shuttered an embassy for over 40 years. Communications equipment has been destroyed to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. The US said the move was due to Russia's suddenly moving even more troops close to the Ukrainian Border. The US said an invasion could commence as soon as February 16. However, Russia has already pulled back some of its forces from near Ukraine as it always said it would. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is flying to Moscow to speak to Putin. Some see this as a last ditch attempt to avert war. However, the Kremlin still insists that it will not invade Ukraine. The Lithuanian President warned against thinking that Russia is bluffing about an invasion. Lithuania is worried since 25% of its populace is ethnically Russian and Putin could say he needs to liberate them.KLM cancelled all flights to Ukraine on February 13.The US Consulate in Lviv, Ukraine remains open. The US has urged Americans to leave Ukraine overland as there are few seats on outbound planes left. They have been warned that the US will be unable to evacuate them in the event of a war. If there is no war then the US will look foolish. However, Washington DC would prefer that to having been incautious if a war breaks out.The Ukrainian President declared that February 16 will be a day of unity. The markets have misinterpreted this and have been spooked.
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