World Bank warns Eastern Europe and Central Asia
- In Brief
08 Jun 2021
by Alex Teddy
On June 8 the World Bank said that these regions face major risks well into 2022. These regions will grow by 3.9% in 2021. That seems excellent but in many cases it will not make up for the losses since March 2020. Russia will grow 3.2% in 2021. Rising world demand and rising prices for industrial goods will boost these regions. The region is hampered by vaccination being painfully slow. Macroeconomic support is often insufficient and is due to be terminated prematurely. The recovery is more sluggish than anticipated. Tourism and service industries have been decimated. These regions are dependent on remittances from their citizens working abroad and fewer have been able to work abroad in the last 15 months than usual.Currencies in the region have mostly lost value. This has made vital imports costlier. There has not been enough of a concomitant benefot in that exports are cheaper. Inflation is acute in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine and Tajikistan.
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