Yet more sanctions on Belarus

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 23 Jun 2021 by Alex Teddy

On June 21 the EU announced a new round of sanctions on President Lukashenka and his family. 78 people and 8 organizations are on the sanctions list. Politicians, judges, prosecutors and others are on the list. The sanctions mean asset freezes and visa bans. Arms sales are also to be limited.The EU is mulling even more economic sanctions. This might include prohibiting extending credit to Belarus or trading Belarus' securities and buying its short-term bonds. The EU might outlaw the provision of investment services to Belarus.The EU might still ban the purchase of key Belarusian exports: potash, petrochemicals, tobacco and oil.7 non-EU countries have joined the EU ban on Belarusian planes using their airspace. These 7 include Norway and Iceland.The sanctions are definitely hurting Belarus. Therefore it will need even more Russian assistance. This will make Moscow wonder whether it is worth it? On the other hand the sanctions drive the two countries closer together. Putin's dream of reunification becomes more realistic.

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