Political Insights: Week of August 19
BRAZIL POLITICS · Report · 19 Aug 2013

On Tuesday Congress will analyze the controversial vetoes by President Dilma Rousseff.These include the additional 10% fine on the Unemployment Guarantee Fund (FGTS) owed by employers to the federal government in cases of unfair dismissal, and the extension of Reintegra.If overturned, they will h...

CNT/MDA shows significant popularity losses for Dilma
BRAZIL POLITICS · Report · 17 Aug 2013

On July 16, CNT/MDA released a poll on the Dilma Rousseff administration, taken from July 7-10.As with the previous Datafolha research, this poll showed a significant drop in Dilma’s approval rating, which fell from 54.2% to 31.1% (23.1 percentage points) compared to the previous poll, from June....

Domestic Overhaul Needed to Level the Recovery Path
SOUTH AFRICA · Report · 16 Aug 2013

This week marks the first anniversary of a period of violence at Lonmin’s platinum mine in Marikana. One year on, instability still plagues the platinum belt. For instance, there have been sporadic bouts of killings in the area that are believed to be related to rivalry between the National Union...

Extreme Measures in Defense of the Rupee
INDIA · Report · 15 Aug 2013

Executive Summary The pain associated with the defense of the rupee is rising rapidly. Fundamental questions about trend GDP growth are now being raised by the actions of the government, which have rolled back economic reforms in key areas. To the extent that the microeconomic foundations of Indi...

Poverty Readings MIxed
MEXICO · Report · 14 Aug 2013

Executive Summary Last week Banco de México (Banxico) released its quarterly assessment of inflation in which it lowered its economic growth estimate for the current year. The forecast interval for 2013 GDP was pared to 2.0%-3.0%, a full percentage lower than the 3.0% to 4.0% range the central ba...

A Possible Road to Oblivion
MEXICO · Report · 14 Aug 2013

Executive Summary This week’s release of the government’s energy reform proposal may provide a test of the electoral left in Mexico, which for over 20 years has been dominated by the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). A new contender is emerging to the left of the party in the form of Andr...

Timidly Recovering
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC · Report · 14 Aug 2013

Executive SummaryWe forecast a gradual recovery of domestic demand for H2, and a gradual rebound of GDP growth. Though 2013 growth is likely to come in at less 3%, Q3 and Q4 growth could climb to nearly 4%. Higher public spending, supported by greater public revenues from mining, and improved eco...

Weak Retail Sales Performance
BRAZIL ECONOMICS · Report · 14 Aug 2013

Real retail sales grew only 0.5% in June, showing continuing deceleration in the preceding 12 months, with the rate falling from 4.4% in May to 1.7% through the end of June. In the augmented sense (with inclusion of cars and construction materials), the expansion during the month was 1%, with gro...

Threats to Corporate Earnings
TURKEY · Report · 12 Aug 2013

There is a thickening cloud of uncertainly hovering over the earnings forecasts of major BIST-listed companies. Government’s relentless efforts to find the co-conspirators of the Gezi Parki in the business community and the swelling public sentiment against banks’ habit of excessive transaction f...

Political Insights: Week of August 12
BRAZIL POLITICS · Report · 12 Aug 2013

President Dilma Rousseff continues her strategy of strengthening her relationship with the allied base.Votes on the compulsory budget and the bill that destines resources from the pre-salt for education and healthcare are scheduled in the House.In the Federal Supreme Court, the mensalão trial res...

Interventions in the Exchange Rate to Help Secure Inflation
BRAZIL ECONOMICS · Report · 12 Aug 2013

The trend for the real to depreciate is continuing. At the start of the year, the exchange rate was around R$2.00/US$ while in recent weeks it only has not broken through the R$2.30/US$ barrier (Graph 1) because of the Central Bank’s interventions, with the sale of exchange rate swaps. Even with ...

Problems with the 2012 census confirmed
CHILE · In Brief · 08 Aug 2013

  The National Statistics Institute (INE) received yesterday the report with the evaluation of the 2012 census by a committee of independent experts. This committee was created after a journalistic investigation center revealed errors and inconsistencies in the 2012 census (now being investigated...

In a Good Place
COLOMBIA · Report · 08 Aug 2013

Executive SummaryDespite emergent risks from recent external events, the Philippines is expected to avoid the downshifting in emerging markets and grow above historical trend this year and next. This is mainly because the country has been relying on local growth drivers and its good macro positio...

Perfect Alignment of the Stars Lowers Inflation
BRAZIL ECONOMICS · Report · 07 Aug 2013

As expected, the IPCA showed significant deceleration in July, at only 0.03%, which is even lower than the IPCA-15 for the month, which had reached 0.07%. With this, the IPCA over the 12 previous months amounted to 6.27% (Graph 1), slightly below the upper bound of the target interval. The moveme...

Continuing Weakness at 2Q
MEXICO · Report · 07 Aug 2013

Economic Panorama In the Economic Panorama section of our previous Monthly Trends issue, we argued that, based on the very preliminary data available at that time, it appeared that the economic slowing apparent in the first quarter had been intensifying over the course of the second quarter of th...