RSA Secures its Place Among the “Fragile Five”
SOUTH AFRICA · In Brief · 03 Dec 2013

According to a set of figures released today by the South African Reserve Bank, the current account deficit has remained in excess of 5 per cent of the gross domestic product since 2012. This – coupled with a shortfall in the government balance as well as anemic growth – suggests that South Afric...

Much Confusion About The Energy Deal With Iraqi Kurds
TURKEY · In Brief · 02 Dec 2013

Baghdad must have received solid intelligence that Ankara and Erbil did ink a broad oil and gas cooperation agreement, because it closed the airspace over Iraqi Kurdistan to Turkish flights. Energy Minister Taner Yilmaz was dispatched to Bagdad first to patch things up with his counterpart Mr. Sa...

Political Insights: Week of December 2
BRAZIL POLITICS · Report · 02 Dec 2013

A full economic agenda this week:On Tuesday, IBGE releases revised GDP results for 2012 and economic performance figures for Q3. On Thursday, the Central Bank releases the minutes of the most recent meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee. On Friday, IBGE releases November’s IPCA. In the House o...

What Can Be Expected From Fiscal Policy?
BRAZIL ECONOMICS · Report · 02 Dec 2013

Participants in the financial market have long known that at the moment the rating agencies change a country’s risk rating, the risk premiums remain virtually unchanged. Therefore, from the standpoint of their reflection on asset prices, changes in countries’ ratings are “non-events”. The reason ...

Glimmers of Recovery
INDIA · Forecast · 02 Dec 2013

Executive SummaryWe see signs of recovery after the downturn that started in 2010. Q3 data signaled improvements in output, investment and business confidence. Conditions may improve further in Q4, as the damage to Q3 growth caused by defense of the rupee recedes, and as the expansionary impact o...

Boring Race, Known Outcome
COLOMBIA · Report · 02 Dec 2013

Executive Summary The most important new political development is, of course, the news that President Juan Manuel Santos will run for president in 2014. The organizational apparatus is already in place, with Germán Vargas-Lleras and Juan Mesa in Fundación Buen Gobierno; Roberto Prieto returning f...

Surprise Tightening
INDONESIA · Report · 02 Dec 2013

Executive Summary As many predicted, GDP growth softened further in Q3, confirming the recent declining trend. Growth was 5.62%, and 5.83% for first nine months of the year. But the balance of payments improved mildly, with the current account deficit shrinking to 3.8% of GDP from 4.4%. Still, t...

On the Brink of Civil Confrontation
UKRAINE · In Brief · 02 Dec 2013

The events of last weekend shocked everyone.  On the morning of November 30 riot police attacked protesters at Maidan Square and brutally beaten the people, who were guarding the camp.  Shocking videos and photos flooded media and social nets.  It appeared that for this action the authorities bro...

A Long, Cold Winter?
TURKEY · Report · 01 Dec 2013

According to recent polls, AKP is firmly ahead in the March local election races. We bet it will keep Istanbul and Ankara, as well as most of the large cities. Yet, for PM Erdogan’s presidential campaign, the party needs to surpass 50%, which is likely to be missed.The unexpected declaration of w...

Are We at Customs Union?
UKRAINE · In Brief · 29 Nov 2013

Unfortunately, results of Vilnius Summit did not surprise with positive results.  As we discussed, Victor Yanukovitch decided not to decide at this time.  The general opinion is that Moscow stands behind of such decision.  We do not want to refute this statement – pressure from Moscow and possibi...

Honduras: Rough Road Ahead
CENTRAL AMERICA · Report · 28 Nov 2013

Executive Summary Honduran President-elect Juan Orlando Hernández will have to navigate a rough road, after a polarizing campaign that divided the country. Hernández will face major challenges, including political fragmentation, a likely divided Congress, security risks, muted economic growth and...

Credit: Effects of the Bank Strike and Some Moderation by Public Banks
BRAZIL ECONOMICS · Report · 28 Nov 2013

The total stock of credit as a percentage of GDP remained virtually unchanged in October, at 55.4%, versus 55.5% in September. The growth of credit in real terms continued to decelerate, reaching 8.3% in the 12 months through October (Graph 1). In September and October, this deceleration may have...

Trimming Growth Forecasts
PHILIPPINES · Report · 28 Nov 2013

GDP growth reached 7% in 3Q13, its fifth straight quarter in the seven-and-above level.While clearly decelerating as expected from the 1H13 growth pace, it remains one of the highest in the region, surpassing growth in other Southeast Asian economies. Looking at demand-side components, the patter...

New Glimmers of Accountability
MEXICO · Report · 27 Nov 2013

Executive Summary When the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) reclaimed the presidential mansion of Los Pinos after a 12-year absence following last year’s election of President Enrique Peña Nieto, there were widespread concerns we might witness a return to the opacity, corruption and lack o...

Quarterly Report, October 2013
INDIA · Forecast · 27 Nov 2013

Output Growth Slips Further Figure: GDP growth Source: National Accounts Statistics and authors’ calculations GDP growth in India slowed to 4.4% in April-June 2013. The slowdown is more pronounced if we exclude agriculture and government expenditure. GDP excluding agriculture and government captu...